Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Although it has only been a couple of days into this retirement, it seems I continue to wake up at my former alarm time in the morning. I awake, look at the clock, roll over and immediately go back to sleep. Then, I awaken again just about the time I would be pulling in the parking lot at work, smile and sigh contentedly. My next thought is to eagerly rise to get started on my project for the day.

The organization seems to be going slowly, but I knew it would be a time consuming project, which is why I never started it in the first place, while I was working. At the end of the day I get tired and quit about 6pm. I am saving on the time I used to spend driving, but am spending more time on meal preparation for both lunch and dinner, but that is a benefit in two ways. What I make is healthier and less expensive. So far retirement is good!

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